Dallas, Texas

I know I have been saying that I was going to be in Dallas this summer to see a friend I met while in the Navy. Well, I am here. It was a pretty long trip. We took the route from Chattanooga through Memphis through Arkansas and down into Dallas. It was a long day but I enjoyed the time with the kids. I am writing this blog to capture one thing.

Remember when you were little and your parents took you to see relatives they grew up with and when you got there, they had children about your age and you all stood around looking "stupid" because in your mind you are going, "Who are these people." Every adult wants to give you a hug but you have no clue who they are. The kids are standing around with an uncomfortable feeling, answering only when asked and limiting those to "yes" or "no." For all of you who experienced that once or twice in your lifetime, guess what? Yes, children and Alicia's kids had that same experience. I could see in their faces and no matter who much we tried to include them in our conversation, they just smiled and said okay or what ever one or two word answer they could give. I wanted to laugh because I remember that encounter.

I will post the leaving Texas feeling because I know it will be a different scenerio. I just wanted to share that with my readers.

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