Parenting or the Lack of...

Today, I was thinking about the amount of time my children's dad has spent with them kinda debating requesting an increase in child support. The laws here says that if the non-custodial parent is not spending time then they will pay more. I wonder is it worth it. I thought about it he has had them a total of one week since last Christmas. That's six months. I don't believe they notice it but I do. Plus, it is more expensive to keep growing children with you all the time. Food is one reason. They use more electricity and water. I have to wait in line to use my computer. So many things a non-custodial parent don't realize because he or she doesn't have them long enough to cause a lasting impact. I do believe MCD (my children's dad) doesn't see the wrong in this. He has 101 excuses of why he can't get them. I have always said I would never ask for an increase but this is getting ridiculous. Even when they were with him that one week, I still had to take them and pick them up from their activities. I used to think he was a pretty good dad, but here lately he is just like everyother dad out there. He is not doing anything to make him special. He got outsiders thinking he is great and he may be a step above the average. but lets evaluate what he really does. He does pay child support, but that is a wage garnishment and I wonder if he would do that on his own. During our divorce he got mad and said he would not give me a dime unless a judge ordered him, so I did just that, made a judge order it. He came up with the idea to put them in private school and I agreed to that, but he is liable for that, plus we split that. He buys clothes, but so do I. He pick up little things here and there but for the most part we do the same things. I wonder how does a person not see their children and is cool with it. I am so ready for my kids to move out but I don't think I could function if I could not talk to them all the time... okay 2 to 3 times a week. I love them that much. But is it that easy for the non-custodial parent to block that out. I know there are some people who makes life difficult for the other person but I am not like that. I am cool with him, especially around them. They had to live with this mess while we were married, I don't think it is fair for them to endure in during after divorce. I am really trying to keep it positive. His relationship with his kids is how he makes it. I tell you what, I am tired of trying to push them on him. It is exhausting. My kids are old enough and I do believe this is a time in they will remember. I wonder what will happen...

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