Real Friends

In the last month or so, I have really learned what a real friend is. I have narrowed mine down to five people. My two sisters. They have been there for me. I mean there is only so much they can do to help me but they have. I feel like that no matter what they are in my corner. Unconditional love is what they have shown me. My mom. Need I say more. see previous blog Family. My friend B. Have you ever met someone that is your friend from day one. Especially someone of the opposite sex who is not trying to get with you and "slip in the friend zone." (Chris Rock said that). Just a true friend. B is that person for me and I consider myself lucky to have a person like him in my life. He is the one person who can tell me something and it will stay with me for days at a time. He is positive (while sometimes naive) and he is real. He loves the Lord and he always take steps to make him a better man, father and husband. I have always said if I could choose a brother it would be him. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and I am pretty happy he is my brother but my relationship with B is probably a tad bit closer than I have with my brother. Last but definitely not least. My friend Alicia. I haven't see her since 1994 when she left Guam but she is true. I can tell her things I don't tell any of the four people above. she is the only female outside of my family who I can honestly say that I love. I have decided that I am going to go and see her next summer and I know we will have 14 years of tears when we do get to see each other. It is funny how close I am to her and if it was not for the world wide web, I don't know what I would do. Right now I have limited myself to the people I am around and the conversations I have. I do that because I am learning that people will disappoint you. I am trusting God more and more each day to provide me with the inner peace and joy I am seeking. I have these five people in my life that are helping me enjoy the peace and joy that the Lord is giving me. Oh, yeah, I am getting a new friend, Joyce Meyers. EVERYDAY, I listen to her Radio/TV programs and she gives me some word of wisdom and she is helping me get closer to God which is where I truly need to be. She said the other day, that the Lord has purpose for us all and the older I get the more I want to find out what my purpose is. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.