I love to think about me as a child and my mom. I look at some pictures of her and I think she was pretty sexy to be a mom of four. Of course she was the disciplinarian in the family and at times I thought she was mean as hell. She always say none of us are in jail, she never had to put us in rehab and we all work. These are the things she is grateful for. Being a mother I can understand. We all want our kids to have these high paying respectable professions and for a while we have that control but once they start to think for themselves our dreams are not really theirs. That's okay. I tell my kids as long as it pays rent and they are happy then I am happy. But this is not about me as a mother, its about my mom.
When I was a teenager, I remember going to get in the bed with my mom. My dad worked third shift so I would sleep with her. I remember she wasn't working and I would get up and get ready for school. I would make my bed but I noticed she would re-make it during the course of the day. After a while I decided there was no need in me making when she was going to redo it so I stopped. She let this go on for about a week and one morning on my way out of the door she told me I better not leave the house without making up my bed. I tried to explain my theory but she wasn't hearing it. She said she didn't care, I better make it up. Today, I wonder what was the lesson in that? We had to clean the house, do laundry and iron clothes (a chore I hate to this day). We were made to be responsible.
Sometimes I wish I had listened closely and took a lot of what she tried to teach me seriously because I do believe I would have been in a better place and I even try and give my kids these life lessons. Not sure if they are listening but one day, just like I did, they will realize parenting is not to be mean, it is to help you survive.
I am still dependent on my mom. She still cook for us, give me clothes and sometimes she have to help me financially. I moved not too long ago and I am waiting on her to finish hanging my pictures and mirrors because I love her sense of style.
I could go on about my mom but I will just say this. She is wonderful to me and even when I don't want to hear what she has to say, she has never given me bad advice.
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