Life under the roof.

You know I am truly happy with my life. Sometimes it feels like work but at the end of the day, when we lay down at night, I truly feel like I did when I knew I loved him. It feel so brand new, everyday. Sometimes (during the day), I feel like I want to let go but then my heart will tighten up because I cannot imagine my future without him. This is the easy part. I am getting close to the harder part. Step-parenting.

In a few short months we will have another person in the home with us. I am so nervous about this because in my mind, I want to parent like I have always parented but is that realistic? Can I do the same things with her that I do with my children. She is older and some of her habits are already established so what do you do if those habits are not what is allowed in our home. How much support with I get from my husband or how much with he support the rules for children in the home. I want her to be happy here because I know this is a huge change for her.

These are some of the things that are bothering me right now. Space is another. I look at this situation like this, she should have her own space and not have to borrow space from other people in the house. I again want to make her transition from her culture to this country as smooth as possible. She will have to make new friends go to a different type of school and last but definitely not least she is going to have to get used to these children. Whew! Good luck with that one. My children are funny and my boys have this bad habit of "play" fighting. We were sitting in a resturant the other night and my daughter said something to him and he got up and "play" slapped her. We started laughing but I can only imagine what the people in the restuarant were thinking. I was like, "these fools are going to get me in trouble." They (as well as many siblings in this country) are like that but I can just imagine the shock on this child's face when they do something out of the way.

Maybe I am worried for nothing. I am a worrier when it comes to things like that so I guess I should just take one day at a time.

My oldest child has almost completed his first year in college. I am proud of his ability to maintain his grades while becoming aclamated to life outside of home. Although when he come home, he reverts back to his at home habits. He has grown though. I will give him that.

Oh, well. This is my life under the one roof. Kinda, got some insominia from springing forward.