Blessings and More Blessings

Well, what can I say.  Since the last time I wrote I have been blessed immensely.  I go through these moments where I question my move. I wonder if I did the right thing.  God hears my prayers because he reassures me I am where I am supposed to be.  We still have some growing to do because things are new and we are feeling our way around but we are getting used to our new life.

That's my blessing.

In February, I was given the opportunity to participate in the 21 Days of Forgiveness.  Iyanla Vanzant wrote a book that allows you to concentrate on forgiving people and the thoughts you held about them.  This included parents, children, exes and friends.  I thought about some of the hardest times in my past and I was able to say, I forgive myself for believing this, I forgive myself for judging that and I forgive myself for thinking whatever.  I was able to forgive my body, my job and the world.  It was the most liberating days of the year for me.

Currently, I am supposed to be writing 3 forgiveness letters to anyone.  I haven't decided who two of them will go to but one will be to my-teenage-self.  I think back on the wrong decisions I made in high school and then in college and sometimes I hold my mind hostage thinking about what I could have and should have done.  Well, its time for me to let go.  I cannot change my past and I should be grateful for those bad decisions because they have helped form who I am today.

That's my more blessing.


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