
My mom is in the hospital and I wrote this prior to Mother's Day. I am sharing this because although I know people lose mother's everyday, I want it to be know that I appreciate the little gifts my mom has given me. --- 4/29/2007 6:40 PM --- As Mother's Day approaches, I am thinking not about being a mother but about still having my mother with me. I remember thinking as a kid how can one person be so mean. I know how. I was not one to give my mother a lot of trouble but she had to keep a firm hand. There were just things she did not tolerate. I was reading the newspaper this morning and they were talking about violence coming from teens are increasing in the last couple of years. WOW!!! We would not have thought about getting into trouble with the law. My mom would have lost her mind and there would have been hell to pay. I also read they feel the problem is due to the lack of parental guidance at home and kids turning to gangs for a "family". It is amazing what we have allowed. Let my mom find out I was in a gang that was beating up people and stealing. My mom also at times worked evenings and we were at home but we knew better. You know what, we also had to respect ADULTS. My mom had this thing that if you were disrespectful to an adult it was like being disrespectful to her. We had to say "Ma'am" and "Sir". As a mother I want my children to have the same type of respect for authority. I have told them never to disrespect an adult. If they have a problem they should come to their father or I, and we will handle it. There is no excuse. I have heard of instances when parents have condoned a child's disrespectful behavior. Funny, that same parent is going to wonder why their child is treating them so bad one day. I love my mother and no matter how "mean" I thought she was, I appreciate what she has given me and I can only hope to pass this along to my children. The bible says, "Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers. --- I am more certain of this posting today than when I wrote it. My mom will be back on her feet and will be trying to redecorate everyone's homes to her satisfaction but that is cool because I am blessed to have her with me for a while longer. Only the Lord knows how much this means to me.

1 comment:

C.Jones...Who? said...

Awh... That's was so sweet. Glad that you decided to share. Keep it up! Now we're blogging!